Events & Monthly Runs


“A7 Register Event”: An event or static display organized by a member of the A7 Register of Queensland Inc. (A7RQ). These events are authorised by the A7RQ which is affiliated with the Queensland Historic Motoring Council Inc.  A7RQ members participating in these events score points towards the Cam & Judy McCulloch Memorial Best Run Supporter Annual Trophy (CJMMBRSAT). An A7 Register Event may also be an event organized by another organization external to the A7RQ and sanctioned in advance at an A7 Monthly or Management Meeting as being eligible for points toward the CJMMBRSAT.

Points allocation: 2 points per Register Event if driving own Austin 7.   2 points if broken down in A7 on way to run starting point. 1 point per Register Event if driving a modern car. 1 point per Register Event if travelling as a passenger. 1.5 points per Register Event if driving another type of Veteran, Vintage or Classic car. 1 point per Register Event if driving another Club member’s Austin 7. 3 points per Register Event if attended by a country member – must reside 60km or more from the Brisbane G.P.O. 3 points per Register Event if organizing a Register Event and driving an Austin 7 or another car (these 3 points approved at an Austin 7 Management Meeting on 29/06/2014). Members attending Impromptu Events are not eligible for points toward the CJMMBRSAT.

“External Event”: An event or static display organized by an organization other than the A7RQ and at which A7RQ members may be invited to attend. Participation by A7RQ members is encouraged but participation in the event does not qualify A7RQ members to be allocated points towards the CJMMBRSAT.  Members attendance at these events in their A7, is sanctioned by A7RQ.

Impromptu Event”: Is one in which a financial individual A7RQ member, with SIVS Registration, makes a formal request to the A7RQ to initiate a Club Event, at short notice, using their A7.  This Impromptu Event is not an event presently authorised by the A7RQ or listed in “Events” on the A7RQ website.  Refer to “About Us” on this website for A7RQ Impromptu Event Application Procedure.

RUN CANCELLATION:  Please note that if there is any doubt that an A7RQ Run may be cancelled due to an extreme weather event or any other reason, please ring the Run Organizer for that particular Run or the A7RQ Run Coordinator, Neil: 0431 067 909, early in the morning of the Run for confirmation prior to setting out to the start point.

LATE TO START POINT:  If you are attending an A7RQ Run and you are going to be late to the start point, please ring Neil or the particular Run organizer before the published start time.

RUN UPDATES:  Be sure to check a particular A7RQ event on this website closer to Run time for any alterations, additions, updates or changes.

MEMBERSHIP CARD: For members with cars on Concessional registration, it is recommended that while on all Events and Runs, you carry your current Membership Card along with any information about the event you are attending.  It will be necessary to produce this information if you are confronted, for any reason, by a member of the Police Force while participating in an Event.

FIRST AID & FIRE EXTINGUISHER:  While on Club Runs and Events, it is recommended that members carry with them a First Aid Kit (including burn cream) and a Fire Extinguisher for use in the event of any mishap.



Thursday 2 January 2025:

A7 Register Event:  For a few years now, our President Steve heroically embarked on a long drive in his A7 in the period between Christmas and the New Year.  To follow on from his past “enthusiastic” drives, President Steve is proposing to do another Long Drive Number 3 from Brisbane south-west toward Stanthorpe commencing on Thursday 2 January 2024.  President Steve is inviting other A7 members, in their A7s, to join him on this drive.  If you are interested, contact President Steve (0418 814 501). 

Friday 10th January 2025:

A7 Register General Meeting commencing at 7.45pm at Clubroom, Carindale.

 Sunday 12th January 2025:

A7 Register January Event:  MONSTER 2ND HAND A7 PARTS NEW YEAR SALE & SUNDAY FUNDAY MORNING TEA.  Come one, come all to Doug & Robyn’s Monster 2nd Hand A7 Parts Sale to be held at 195 Middle Road, Boronia Heights on Sunday 12th January from 9am to 1pm.  Heaps of A7 parts at unbelievably cheap prices including engines, wheels, cylinder heads, gear boxes, springs, carbys, axles and heaps more.  Hurry in while stocks last.  BYO Morning Tea, your A7 or modern (Register Event) & Lunch if you intend being there until then and beyond – or just come for a jolly good time!  For more information or to beat the 12 January A7 parts rush, contact Doug/Robyn Ph. 0412 276 313.

Saturday 25th to Sunday 26th January 2025:

External Event:  Allora Heritage Weekend & Swap Meet hosted by Warwick Veteran & Vintage Vehicle Club, to be held at the Allora Show Grounds.  $10/person/day.  For more information phone Graham:  0428 717 623.

Sunday (Australia Day) 26th January 2025:

External A7 Register Invitation Event:  Redlands Coast Australia Day Event organized by BVRC commencing with vehicle entry from 6am and Complimentary Breakfast, tea & coffee from 7am to 9am at Ormiston State School.  BYO chairs & cups.  Raffles are drawn at around 10am.  Runs commence around 10.30am through the Redlands Coast – finishing with a BYO Lunch in a park at completion of your chosen run.  For more details or contact Steve on 0411 516 122.  A7 members to make own arrangements re travel etc.  No dogs, vaping or smoking allowed on school grounds.

Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd February 2025:

External Event:  50th annual DDVVMC Toowoomba Swap Meet to take place at the Toowoomba Show Grounds.  Open to public from 6am both days.  The Swap Meet closes at 6pm Saturday & 12pm Sunday.  Admission is $15/person on Saturday & $5/person on Sunday.  Parking is free.  For further details contact Swap Co-ordinator, Bill Shepherd, ph. 0499 990 622.  The NSW Austin 7 Club will have a stall there on Saturday selling second-hand A7 parts.

Friday 14th February 2025:

A7 Register General Meeting commencing at 7.45pm at Clubroom, Carindale.

Sunday 16th February 2025:

A7 Register February Event: Valentine Welcome to the West Run 2.   This Run is organised by Colin & Gay Jacobson Ph. 0407 627 206.  The Run will depart from the Brisbane Planetarium Carpark (bottom of Mt Coot-tha Road) at 9am.  Morning Tea stop will be at the Wild Canary Bistro where coffee and morning Tea can be purchased or BYO.  The Run will then proceed through Pullenvale to Moggill arriving at Lake Manchester for a BYO lunch.

Friday 14th March 2025:

A7 Register General Meeting commencing at 7.45pm at Clubroom, Carindale.

Sunday 16th March 2025:


A7 Register March Event:   Inner City North-Side Run.  This run will be organised by John Que 0409 893 305 and will commence from the Centenary Pool Carpark at 9am.   

Sunday 30th March 2025:

External Event:  38th Annual Ormiston Swap Meet organised by the Bayside Vehicle Restorers Club to be held at Ormiston State School commencing at 6am and concluding at 12noon.  Pedestrian entry: $5.  Information & Bookings contact Steve 0411 516 122.  No dogs, smoking or vaping allowed on school grounds.

Friday 11th April 2025:

A7 Register General Meeting commencing at 7.45pm at Clubroom, Carindale.



Monday 20th to Friday 24th October 1925:


A7 Register Event:  A7 National Rally to be held at Murray Bridge, South Australia.  Up to date details are available on our A7 Website in “A7 October 2025 National Rally S.A.”.  Contact our Secretary Robyn (ph. 0412 276 313) if you are attending.

Neil Thyer – A7 Reg. Qld Webmaster and Runs & Events Coordinator (ph. 0431 067 909)  

Updated:  9 January 2025